What you should know before visiting the land of Count Vlad Dracula - the Land of Death
Romania Tourism
Daciana Sarbu
A head with two faces. One smiling at the death-bringers,
the other smiling at the protectors
Daciana Sârbu, who is married to Victor Ponta --- who was proven to have lied about a master's degree and to have plagiarised much of his doctoral thesis (the accusation came from the camp of President Băsescu, who seems oddly unaware that himself exaggerated his own daughter academic credentials in 2009 when defending her nomination for a place in the European Parliament) --- had little on her curriculum vitae when she entered politics, but immediately became an adviser to the Năstase government – in which her father served as a minister. She is now a member of the European Parliament, and a Vice-President of the European Parliament's Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals, and co-initiator of the Written Declaration on Dog Population Management 0026/2011 – one of the best-paid jobs possible for a Romanian politician.
An ill-recognized connection exists between animal and people. This connection is seamless with animal abuse impacting with severity on the human domain. Her recent speech astonished and dismayed many at her apparent ignorance about many facts which should be known to anyone in her position.
Or perhaps the requirement for her to fulfill two positions diametrically opposite, her speech was politically laden?
We would suggest that this position is untenable!

Please listen to Madame Sarbu's historic speech, which she had given at the Intergroup-meeting from 12th of September, 2013

"Deal with your country problems and don't bother me again.
Leave the third world to us"

The sun is slowly setting on the public's respect for THE institution of Europe...
A horrified civilized world looks on as the country of Romania whose corrupt re-deployment of assigned public funds has consistently failed to introduce any humane strategy to control the homeless animal population such as has been achieved in every global civilized country.
The result is the legitimization of an 'eradication' policy which will result in the destruction of many hundreds of thousands of street animals. Destruction by traditional Romanian methods which include injection of substances such as paint thinner, anti-freeze or others, battering with shovels, ADD TO LIST - like practiced in the past. Since the new "legislation", the following methods - although not acceptable in any other European country - are now totally legal and even encouraged, such as the use of carbon dioxide, carbon oxide, potassium chloride, nitrogen, electric shocks, penetrating captive gun.
This policy was rapidly implemented due to the EMOTIONAL response of the population because of the death of a child ALLEGEDLY caused by homeless animals.
The civilized world watched in horror as this draconian policy passed through the Romanian parliamentary system. Appeals were made to the EU.
BUT the major body of Europe, whilst disagreeing with the policy... could do NOTHING.
Society demands a better response than.... NOTHING! But we have a body whose function is to assist with the erosion of the word NOTHING.
And we listen in abject horror as a Vice-President of the European Parliament's Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals, Daciana Sârbu, during a recent exchange, identifies to the world that she is totally misinformed about policies and events over which her position demands knowledge.
This to be compounded because of political interest with her association as wife of one who had, throughout the scandal caused by the 'slaughter law', kept a very neutral position and refrained from openly telling if he was in favor of the euthanasia of stray dogs, or against. It was only in the 13th hour, after the 'slaughter law' became "legislation", that the PSD leader made it clear that he "does not want to live in a country where homeless dogs are being slaughtered". This statement came a bit too late, in our opinion... But now, as Romania's Prime Minister, he will HAVE to live in such a country, together with all the other good people, the animal protectors, and all those innocent children who would not want to live in such a country either. But who cares?
May we, as the public who are represented, challenge the ignorance within this exchange...
Daciana Sârbu unprofessionally, compared the new law in Romania to those in Germany and France. Not so de facto! Romania will kill dogs, healthy or not. This is NOT a policy in a civilized society.
The order of magnitude? Hundreds of thousands will die in Romania. This is without precedent in ANY developed society.
Madame Sarbu critically alludes to emotions driving reactions when indeed the policy of legitimized mass slaughter in her country was emotionally driven.
The public now questions the expertise of those who represent them in the European Arena. Questions are now asked about what is 'suitability for purpose' of these non-elected representatives?
Madame Sarbu's delivery was profoundly unprofessionally uninformed. What qualifications does she have to command respect?In Romania there is an understanding that qualifications can be achieved by corrupt means. Was this the foundation of her acquiring such an elevated position? Does this not also demand further investigation of the root element, so apparently readily accepted by European Institutions, challenge the validity of qualifications of the significant Romanian officials? There are suggestions that this too is consistent with a profoundly corrupt society.
The sun is setting on the day of trusting these individuals and authorities BUT a new day is dawning and the light from this new day is shining directly onto the inadequacies, ineptitudes and practices of those individuals and authorities who should be reflecting realities and advancing change and not posturing and presenting ill-informed defences of a policy which has created a shiver of abhorrence throughout the civilized world.

Was your quote not (about the Vier Pfoten volunteer who traveled from Romania to Brussels to be allowed to talk to you and your colleagues for two minutes only) that she was only concerned about what happens on the streets?
A volunteer, readily dismissible to yourself was trying to tell YOU what was happening in YOUR country!
Well yes... there are horrible things happening right now on the streets of Romania, Madam!
We know that you know what goes in your country, Madam... but you chose to ignore... The world has been made aware, Madam, and there was even a documentary on the Romanian Dog Mafia being shown on German and British TV's, Madam...
What are your concerns, Mrs Vice President? One pane of glass lies between the concerns of the people, the children, the homeless animals and the Vice President of the European organisation which declares itself protectors of animals. One pane of glass! One window between you inside and the reality outside!
Please spot the not so deliberate mistake! Not the people... not the tax paying citizens... but the ineptitude, indifference and incompetence of our tax receiving brethren in positions of exalted power.
Sleep well, Madame! Your country is in paroxysms of terror! Sleep well!
Tomorrow you can posture again! Tomorrow you can ignore again!
But be it known, never have the European Parliament's Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals attracted such negative attention and YOU are its biggest embarrassment.
Continuation to support you will bring massive disrepute upon each institution. The issues in Romania are of such magnitude that be assured this will become a central electoral issue in next year's MEP-elections.
Ladies and Gentlemen... are you prepared?
Daciana Sârbu signs an impressive pledge for animals
But can we believe her to be sincere?
May 5, 2014 - An election promise, or a pledge, is a promise made to the public by a politician who is trying to win an election. They have long been a central element of elections and remain so today. Election promises are also notable for often being broken once a politician is in office.
In fact, election promises have been broken for as long as elections have been held and this is likely to continue, although defining what a broken promise is, is hard. There are strong pressures on politicians to make promises which they cannot keep. A party, or a candidate, that does not make exaggerated promises might appear bland, unambitious, and uninteresting to voters compared to the one that does. Sometimes this can give the exaggerating party an advantage over the truthful one. Promises are usually based on the rosiest of possible futures...
In light of the 2014 EU Elections, Eurogroup for Animals is campaigning to put animal welfare at the heart of the European Elections and make animal welfare an issue that gets citizens to vote and make a difference, according to their website.
"In the year of the citizens the distance between the EU institutions and European citizens seems larger than ever", states Eurogroup for Animals.
Eurogroup for Animals' idea is to engage the members of the next European Parliament, as the only directly elected EU institution, to bridge the gap between a world of paper and the interests of real citizens and animals, of flesh and blood... For this, Eurogroup has got a quite significant number of MEPs to pledge to:
Work to ensure an animal welfare framework law is adopted that provides thehighest level of welfare possible
Endeavour to minimise live animal transport, review the existing legislation to maximise the protection of animals and ensure it is enforced across the EU
Promote a comprehensive EU strategy to decrease animal testing while driving the acceptance and uptake of alternative methods
Ensure animal welfare is clearly included in the EU-US Trade agreement
Introduce legislation that will ban the cloning of animals for food
Develop EU wide standards for breeding and trade of companion animals to protect animal welfare and ensure traceability
Work to reduce the number of species and animals being kept as exotic pets and to maximise their welfare
In addition I will strive to ensure that animals are recognised as sentient beings in all legislation that comes before the Parliament and strive to ensure all existing animal welfare related legislation is properly enforced.
To see the list of MEPs who have signed the above pledge, please click here.
When checking the list, we were happy to find a number of MEPs who are well known for fighting hard for ALL animals of Europe, such as Andrea Zanoni, Janusz Wojciechowski, Sirpa Pietikainen, Erminia Mazzoni, Claude Turmes, Marianne Thieme, Keith Taylor, Alyn Smith, and Carl Schlyter, for example.
And then, as belief grows and the promise of hope brings hearts to begin to race, one name emerges and the cold water of reality cascades over these hopes... Daciana Sarbu has pledged! Has promised to help animals!
WHERE was SHE when the screaming began and
the children cried in terror?
We don't know WHERE she was, but we know that she wasn't there when she was needed most.
As the wife of Romania's Prime Minister Ponta, a Member of the Intergroup, a co-initiator of the Written Declaration on Dog Population Management 0026/2011, she had, and still has a unique position and opportunity to bring change to her country regarding stray animals population control and welfare, but we haven't - sadly and to our very great deception - heard of any actions taken by Mrs Sarbu in this field. In fact, we haven't heard anything from her since the adoption of WD0026/2011.
And now she appears...
As the death count grows higher in her native land and the suffering of people and animals is palpable, emerging from the shadows and blinking into the daylight of reality, Daciana Sarbu babbles her electoral promises to a sea of disbelieving faces as soon as someone has whispered the word 'election'.
If she 'will' tomorrow, where was she yesterday? Where was she as the reputation of her country was washed into the gutter to merge with the blood of so many sentient beings?
In her native country, her bed mate has presided over the greatest animal genocide ever experienced in Europe. Evidence is growing at an alarming rate about how this mismanaged ill compliance with standards and directives is impacting on the human population. Mme Sarbu watches, alongside her husband, as the piles of animal copses grow higher, totally negating her declaration of concern for sentient beings... animal and human.

Open Letter to Daciana Sarbu
on the western edge of a European city, lies a road. A typical highway, as found in any other city. But this road is different. This is the ‘Road of Death’.
Every week it carries the corpses of the condemned... Hundreds of ‘sentient’ beings pass this way on their final journey. Within a 10 km stretch of road, you see the names which bring chill to the blood of all who know of them: the ‘Death Camps‘ of Mihailesi, Cornetu and Bragadiru, applying the Romanian ‘Slaughter Law’, the animals are taken from the streets, contained and then after 14 days... slaughtered.
‘Sentient’ beings'... what qualifies and differentiates 'sentience', 'consciousness'? Is it the ability to feel emotions?
In the USA it was found that 52% of dog owners considered their pets to be ‘members of the family’. To the lonely, sometimes their only companion is their pet. Their love... Their sentient being...
You - the wife of the Prime Minister of Romania, who presided over the introduction of a law which has identified his country as medieval in its government determined ethos and simply ‘evil’ in its application - you now claim in your election pledge that you will strive to ensure that animals are recognized as sentient beings in all legislation that comes before the Parliament.
Madame, is this a new concept of yours?
Where were you when the ‘extermination’ authorization of Law 258/2013 was enacted?
Where was your bed mate?
What did you do when the death screams of ‘sentient beings’ echoed around the ‘Death Camps’?
What did you reply to the massive volume of voiced outrage from every civilized country?
Did you yourself not call your country ‘third world'?
Sentient beings... what about the homeless animals in YOUR country? Are they not 'sentient'?
Where were you to defend these 'sentient beings' when your husband sentenced them all to death?
But consider: nothing happens in isolation. All are connected. What you do in the darkness will later be viewed in the light and what was covertly conducted in silence will later be heard as a cacophony. Your husband's diminishment of the status of these animals and encouragement of financial exploitation of their deaths can never remain within a contained domain. We know from study results how your ‘management’ of this issue impacts on children... on society.
During our visit in Romania last week, we saw two young children who raced us to take three young pups from a busy road.
Heartwarming? But no!
These children had been invited by the dogcatchers to give them as many puppies as they could find and they would be rewarded. The dog catchers, too, would receive their financial rewards.
And the puppies?
They would be confined in one of your death camps and if not claimed, adopted, or perished before the end of the '14-days-pre- slaughter-period', simply be killed and incinerated... according to your law.
No capture of the few aggressive dogs... but the simple, easy target of new born pups.
Daciana Sarbu, THIS IS YOUR COUNTRY! What does this teach the children of YOUR country? What does it teach them about 'sentient beings'?
Be cautious Madame! In your delusional categorization and nil application, you may come to the final, ironic conclusion that the decision makers of Romania are ‘sentient beings’.