What you should know before visiting the land of Count Vlad Dracula - the Land of Death
Romania Tourism
ABOUT this page...
'Romania Tourism' is a campaign by OCCUPY FOR ANIMALS. It was launched after the introduction of Romania's 'Slaughter Law' - the most draconian stray animal population control policy ever introduced - following the death of a young boy under what remains dubious circumstances, and which has sentenced millions of homeless animals in Romania to the most horrific deaths imaginable.
On 25th September, the Romanian Constitutional Court had an opportunity to define whether Romania is a country worthy of being called civilized or whether it should be consigned to popular perception of a country unworthy of being considered anything other than barbaric, mismanaged, corrupt and dangerous. They chose the latter.
And the entire world was both shocked and outraged.
On 25th of September, 2013 the future of an entire country; the fate of many hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions of innocent homeless dogs, was determined by the abuse of power of a handful of individuals.
The implementation of Romania's 'extermination program' ("extermination" was the word that they themselves had used during the debate in the parliament) has produced worldwide condemnation and a perception that Romania is a country which introduces medieval practices and governs in a draconian mode, resulting in a government promoted inhumane, violent and unsymathetic society which seeks to enact its confusion at its own societal malaise by attacking... no, 'eradicating' the weakest and innocent in its society. Those who are simply symptoms of the mismanaged, socially broken, emotionally distorted entity that is called Romania.
Animals and their owners and protectors were immediately, and still are, at serious risk. It must be remembered that many millions of Romanians are animal owners or protectors of the animals. This law has polarized Romania's society and made it dangerously divisive.
There was already danger to people and property in addition to the threat to the animals... It had to be expected that millions of animal lovers would seek to protect their own animals or the animals they 'protect' on the streets. Millions! It had to be expected that half a country would seek to defend and protect and the other half would seek to aggress.
How strongly this will be enacted, will determine Romania's future. Violence against persons is already prevalent and now that licence is given by the Constitutional Court there will be neighbor against neighbor... and history has taught the lesson of violence and destruction in a country divided!
The Romanian government has brought shame to Romania as a whole and dragged its entire country's reputation in the mud...
​The pictures that you can see below were all taken in the public shelter in Radauti in September and October 2011. These images are not an exception, but they are rather the norm. In most public shelters, or publicly funded shelters run by dog-catching companies, dogs are left to starve to death and dying dogs feeding on dead dogs is something "normal".
The sooner the dogs die, the earlier they will make room for other dogs and the less the shelter managers or the municipalities spend on their "care", the more money there is left to fill their own greedy pockets...
The Romanian 'extermination enterprise' is a vast governmental project and stands for good money to be made by various companies involved in the rounding up, the supposed maintenance, the killing and the disposal of the animals, killed by violence or neglect.
This page is intended to bring you the news that you won't find
in the main stream media.
This page will show you the true Romania.

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