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Chained dogs

Keeping dogs chained is unfortunately still an all too common practice in many European countries.

Kept "out of sight, out of mind" in the back yard or as a guard dog to alarm his/her owner when someone comes, chained dogs are forced to live chained up their entire life.

Chained dogs are often deprived of adequate food, water, and veterinary care, in addition to having their emotional and social needs completely ignored. Most are denied proper shelter. Some have old rusty barrels for dog house, or even no barrels or any protection at all. Their shelters do not give any protection to bad weather and they are like ovens during the summer months providing no relief from the scorching sun. Countless chained dogs have frozen to death during cold snaps or died of heatstroke on sweltering summer days.

Chained dogs are also totally vulnerable to other animals and cruel people, and many chained dogs have been stolen, set on fire, shot, stabbed, tortured, or poisoned by cruel passers-by or neighbours who were annoyed by their barking.

Chaining a dog – there couldn't be a crueller punishment for these social pack animals who want - and deserve – only one thing: companionship.

Dogs are naturally social beings who thrive on interaction with human beings and other animals. In the wild, dogs and wolves live, eat, sleep, and hunt with a family of other canines. Dogs are genetically determined to live in a group.


A dog kept chained alone in one spot for hours, days, months, or even years suffers immense psychological damage. An otherwise friendly and docile dog, when kept continuously chained, becomes neurotic, unhappy, anxious, and often aggressive.

In many cases, the necks of chained dogs become raw and covered with sores, the result of improperly fitted collars and the dogs' constant yanking and straining to escape confinement. Some chained dogs have collars embedded in their necks, the result of years of neglect at the end of a chain. Chained dogs frequently become entangled in their chains, too, and unable to access food, water, and shelter.

Given these cruel living conditions, it's no surprise that chained dogs often become aggressive and attack children or other people who approach them. Chained dogs are more likely to bite because they are usually unsocialized; their living space is reduced to a few square meters, which heightens their territoriality; and they don't have the option of escaping during a confrontation.

No modern, civilized country in Europe should have chained dogs and we ask the European Commission to ban this practice in all countries member of the European Union.


Given the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals, clearly states:

Chapter II – Principles for the keeping of pet animals


Article 3 – Basic principles for animal welfare

1. Nobody shall cause a pet animal unnecessary pain, suffering or distress


we ask the Council of Europe to ensure that countries that have signed the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals punish people that chain their dog(s) as it clearly is an 'unnecessary pain, a suffering and a distress' for the chained companion animal.

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Thank you very much!

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